Kicked Out of the Synagogue

99 Episode – Kicked Out of the Synagogue

The poor of the Zoramites were kicked out of their synagogues and felt unable to worship. Little did they know Alma would teach them it was a blessing.

Scripture References

Alma 32

Do It For God

98 Episode – Do It For God

Why do we do what we do? For praise. For followers. To make change in the world. Maybe we should do it for God.

Scripture References

“Our Heartfelt All.” Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf. Genreal Conference, April 2022.
Mark 14:3-9

A Thought on Mary and Martha

97 Episode – A Thought on Mary and Martha

The story of Martha serving and Mary sitting at Jesus’ feet has been a hard one for me to understand. Maybe these thoughts will help.

Scripture References

Luke 10:38-42
1 Timothy 5:8

Giants and Walls

96 Episode – Giants and Walls

Where did all the giants go? We may not face literal giants today, but we definitely face hard things. How did the Savior face His giants?

Scripture References

Matthew 14:10-20
Mark 4:36-41
John 11:32-44
Luke 22:39-44

Choose Right

95 Episode – Choose Right

If everyone was perfect and chose the right every time, would we all be the same? Is there more than one right?

Scripture References

2 Nephi 31
3 Nephi 12:48
Matthew 5:48
Luke 2:46-47
Luke 2:51
Moroni 7:16
Mosiah 4:29

Shut Up and Enjoy It

93 Episode – Shut Up and Enjoy it

How do things that we hate doing fit into the plan of happiness? I have no idea. But I do know that the Savior meets us where we are and helps us up.

*Note: I said the talk “Come What May and Love It” was from April 2008, but it’s actually from October 2008.

Scripture References

2 Nephi 2:25
John 16:33
“Come What May and Love It,” Joseph B. Wirthlin. General Conference, April 2008.

In An Agony

92 Episode – In An Agony

What do you do first when things get hard?

Scripture References

Luke 22:44
2 Nephi 5:1-2
Alma 24:21
Alma 62:39-41
2 Nephi 32:9
Doctrine and Covenants 10:5
Alma 34:39
Alma 15:17
Doctrine and Covenants 121:8

Cycle of Happiness

91 Episode – Cycle of Happiness

10 things we can do to keep up the cycle of happiness and “live after the manner of happiness.”

Scripture References

2 Nephi 5
“The Power of Spiritual Momentum,” Pres. Russell M. Nelson. General Conference, April 2022.
“Paths to True Happiness,” Ullisses Soares.

No Going Back

90 Episode – No Going Back

The only way out is through. For reals.

Scripture References

Exodus 14:12
1 Nephi 2:11-12
Genesis 3:17
“The Power Spiritual Momentum,” Pres. Russell M. Nelson. General Conference, April 2022.
“Our Heartfelt All,” Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf. General Conference, April 2022.

What Would You Ask an Apostle?

89 Episode – What Would You Ask an Apostle?

So, what would be on your list of questions? You might have a long list or a short one, but questions are good. But what are the odds you will have the chance to ask them of an apostle? What do you do then?

Scripture References

1 Nephi 11
Alma 19:16
Luke 11:9-10, 3 Nephi 14:7-8
1 Nephi 15:8

What Comes After the Feast?

88 Episode – What Comes After the Feast?

Are you “feasting” on the words of Christ? There is more to it than you think, and you don’t always have to be reading your scriptures to do it.

Scripture References

2 Nephi 31:20
2 Nephi 32:3

A Lesson from Esau

87 Episode – A Lesson from Esau

Not all the lessons in scripture come from the “good guys.” Esau learned a lesson that has consequences for his whole life. Does that mean he was never forgiven?

Scripture References

Genesis 25
Genesis 27
Genesis 33

Taken for Granted

85 Episode – Taken for Granted

Not all insights come word for word from the scriptures. Sometimes they just get you thinking. In this episode I talk about what I take for granted.

Scripture References

1 Nephi 16:29
Matthew 25:1-13
2 Nephi 28:30
Alma 34:32

Peter and Alma

83 Episode – Peter and Alma

Peter and Alma were both prophets whom we are lucky enough to know a bit more than usual about how they came to be there. Though their beginning paths looked different, they used the same source for their power and faith. Christ.

Scripture References

John 13
2 Nephi 31:19-20

The Cup Analogy

82 Episode – The Cup Analogy

My sister told me a great analogy about kids and cups and being grateful for what you have. I share it here with you.

Scripture References

Doctrine and Covenants 59:21
Isaiah 55:8-9

New Testament Insights

81 Episode – New Testament Insights

A new reading of any book of scripture provides new insights. But this one seems even more fun because this time I’m comparing a different translation of the Bible to the King James Version.

Scripture References
Dieter F Uchtdorf Instagram post from Jan 2021
Luke 4:40
Luke 6:17-19
Luke 9:6
Matthew 11:28

Don’t Let It Go

80 Episode – Don’t Let It Go

It’s great to use questions as a study tool when reading the scriptures. But what do you do when you come up with a question you can’t answer? Or one that make shakes your faith a bit?

Scripture References

Isaiah 55:8
“Lord, I Believe,” Elder Jeffrey R Holland. General Conference April 2013
2 Corinthians 5:7
Alma 32:21

Prayer Journal

79 Episode – Prayer Journal

Praying to our Heavenly Father began as soon as Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden. How do we make our prayers more meaningful? Here’s what I do.

Scripture References

Moses 5:4
Moses 5:8
Moses 8:16
Matthew 6:7
Alma 46:13


Keep the … Laws and Ordinances

78 Episode – Keep the … Laws and Ordinances

A new take on the Third Article of Faith that I never really thought about before.

Scripture References

Dale G. Renlund, “Do Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with God.” General Conference Oct. 2020
Marvin J. Ashton, “On Being Worthy.” General Conference Apr. 1989
Joseph Fielding Smith. Doctrines of Salvation, comp. Bruce R. McConkie.

Captain Moroni and Charity

77 Episode – Captain Moroni and Charity

Charity is an attribute of Christ that we all strive for. But, what does it look like in real life when things are hard and not everything is black and white? Captain Moroni had charity even as he led his people, the Nephites, through multiple wars.

Scripture References

Alma 43-63
Moroni 7:45

The Dealings of God

76 Episode – The Dealing of God

We all know that Laman and Lemuel did a lot of murmuring. They did have to go through quite a bit in their life. But Nephi didn’t complain. What made the difference?

Scripture References

1 Nephi 2:12
3 Nephi 11:37-39
3 Nephi 27:13-16

Forgiveness – What Didn’t Happen

75 Episode – Forgiveness- What Didn’t Happen

Sometimes the best questions we can ask ourselves as we read the scriptures is: “What would have happened if things didn’t work out that way?” Or “What if this person had chosen to do something different?”

Scripture References

Alma 11:46
Alma 14:6
Alma 15:5
Alma 31:6