Tag Archives: Adam and Eve

Prayer Journal

79 Episode – Prayer Journal

Praying to our Heavenly Father began as soon as Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden. How do we make our prayers more meaningful? Here’s what I do.

Scripture References

Moses 5:4
Moses 5:8
Moses 8:16
Matthew 6:7
Alma 46:13


Our Own “Coat of Skins”

28 Episode – Our Own “Coat of Skins”

When Adam and Eve left their innocence and the Garden of Eden the Lord gave them coats of skins to cover and protect them. What about us? As we leave our innocence and pass the age of accountability does the Lord give us a protection?

Scripture References

Genesis 3:21
Moses 4:27
Matthew 6:19
Moroni 8:8, 22
Doctrine and Covenants 29:46-47