Tag Archives: Alma

Spinning My Wheels

122 Episode – Spinning My Wheels

My scripture study last week felt like I was spinning my wheels in the mud. But that doesn’t mean I’m stuck forever.

Scripture References

Alma 32:12-13
Bonded to Jesus Christ: Becoming the Salt of the Earth, José A. Teixeira. General Conference, Oct. 2024.


121 Episode – Worship

The poor Zoramites think they can only worship God in their synagogues. Am I the same?

Scripture References

Alma 32:5-11
Alma 34:38
2 Nephi 25:29
Alma 26:11-12
Welcome to the Church of Joy, Elder Patrick Kearon. General Conference October 2024.

Unto Your House

104 Episode – Unto Your House

Alma took people to his house to minister to them. How did he keep his home ready for that?

Scripture References

Alma 15
Alma 27:20
Moses 5:8
“Our Heartfelt All,” Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf. General Conference April 2022.

Not Too Late

102 Episode – Not Too Late

Helaman leads a band of 2000 young men into battle during the war chapters in the Book of Mormon. But 60 others show up later. What does he do with them? What does that mean for us?

Scripture References

Alma 56:56
Alma 57:25
Alma 57:6
Alma 57:19-21

Kicked Out of the Synagogue

99 Episode – Kicked Out of the Synagogue

The poor of the Zoramites were kicked out of their synagogues and felt unable to worship. Little did they know Alma would teach them it was a blessing.

Scripture References

Alma 32

What Would You Ask an Apostle?

89 Episode – What Would You Ask an Apostle?

So, what would be on your list of questions? You might have a long list or a short one, but questions are good. But what are the odds you will have the chance to ask them of an apostle? What do you do then?

Scripture References

1 Nephi 11
Alma 19:16
Luke 11:9-10, 3 Nephi 14:7-8
1 Nephi 15:8

Peter and Alma

83 Episode – Peter and Alma

Peter and Alma were both prophets whom we are lucky enough to know a bit more than usual about how they came to be there. Though their beginning paths looked different, they used the same source for their power and faith. Christ.

Scripture References

John 13
2 Nephi 31:19-20

Prayer Journal

79 Episode – Prayer Journal

Praying to our Heavenly Father began as soon as Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden. How do we make our prayers more meaningful? Here’s what I do.

Scripture References

Moses 5:4
Moses 5:8
Moses 8:16
Matthew 6:7
Alma 46:13


Forgiveness – What Didn’t Happen

75 Episode – Forgiveness- What Didn’t Happen

Sometimes the best questions we can ask ourselves as we read the scriptures is: “What would have happened if things didn’t work out that way?” Or “What if this person had chosen to do something different?”

Scripture References

Alma 11:46
Alma 14:6
Alma 15:5
Alma 31:6

Forgive the Hypocrite

74 Episode – Forgive the Hypocrite

Corianton caused some serious damage with his example while serving as a missionary to the Zoramites. But was everything that happened his fault?

Scripture References

Alma 31
Alma 35
Alma 39:11
Alma 7:13
3 Nephi 1:29
The Healing Power of Forgiveness, James E. Faust General Conference April 2007

Can People Change?

71 Episode – Can People Change?

I didn’t even consider this a question before one day in a high school class. But, apparently it is, and it’s an important one. The answer is, YES! They can!

Scripture References

Mosiah 27
Mosiah 28:4
2 Timothy 4:7
Ezekiel 36:26-28

Justice and Mercy

65 Episode – Justice and Mercy

Real life gospel lessons can be found everywhere. In this episode I dive into why mercy needs justice through a well known story, Les Miserables.

Scripture References

Alma 42:12-22

Everything Good Comes From God

59 Episode – Everything Good Comes From God

King Limhi and his people, and Alma and his people, are both delivered from the Lamanites in similar ways: the Lamanites are asleep and they escape. But Limhi’s people had to make them fall asleep with wine while the Lord put the Lamanites to sleep for Alma’s people. So, which miracle came from God? They both did.

Scripture References

Mosiah 23-24
Mosiah 25:16
1 Nephi 1:20
1 Nephi 3-4, 16, 17-18
Moroni 7:12
Alma 5:40

Replacing Pride

57 Episode – Replacing Pride

The Nephites go through something called the pride cycle over and over again. In this episode I talk about how pride manifests itself and what to do to eradicate it.

Scripture References

Alma 2-5
Beware of Pride, Ezra Taft Benson, General Conference April 1989
Pride and the Priesthood, Dieter F. Uchtdorf, General Conference October 2010
Meek and Lowly of Heart, David A Bednar, General Conference, April 2018

Self Talk

49 Episode – Self Talk

There are those lessons in church about being kind and patient with ourselves. My teachers have even gone so far as to say that you need to speak nicely to yourself. There are even examples of prophets in the scriptures who give themselves positive self-talk.

Scripture References

2 Nephi 4:15-35
Alma 29

Good Guys vs. Bad Guys

46 Episode – Good Guys vs Bad Guys

What do we learn from the bad guys in the scriptures? Would the scriptures be better if we only knew about the good guys?

Scripture References

1 Nephi
Jacob 7
Mosiah 12-17
Alma 23-27
Alma 30
Alma 46-62

Why Gratitude?

40 Episode – Why Gratitude?

Two reasons and one thing to remember about being thankful. 1-When you are grateful to somebody it is hard to stay mad at them. 2-Gratitude begets hope. And remember, becoming grateful is a process.

Scripture References

Doctrine and Covenants 98:1,3
1 Nephi 1:20
Alma 32: 27-43
Doctrine and Covenants 121:10, 122:8
1 Nephi 3:7

Turning My Wheels

27 Episode – Turning My Wheels

The scriptures are full of object lessons. The Savior, in his parables, used many object lessons. Have you looked for those in your own life? I found one on my way to Utah this summer. Hope you enjoy it!

Humbling and Chastening

26 Episode – Humbling and Chastening

Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth. Really? Paul says so, and so does another prophet from the Book of Mormon. He just uses a different word. Humbleth.

Scripture References

Hebrews 12:6-7, 9-11
Alma 32:12-16

Other episodes referred to

23 Episode – Room For All Types
24 Episode – I’m So Tired

Like a Hot Water Heater

22 Episode – Like a Hot Water Heater

Being active in the church is not exactly the same as being active in the gospel.

Scripture References

Matthew 25:1-13
Article of Faith 1:4
Doctrine and Covenants 58:26
Alma 32:12-16