Tag Archives: Alma

Looking to Christ, Is It Really That Easy?

21 Episode – Looking to Christ, Is it Really That Easy?

All the Israelites had to do to save their lives from the bites of the serpents was to look at a brass serpent. Is it really that easy for us to look to the Savior and live?

Scripture References

Alma 33:19-20
Numbers 21:5-9
2 Nephi 32:4-5

Pattern of Discontent and the Way Out

14 Episode – Pattern of Discontent and the Way Out

Alma sins in his wishing. How? Why is his wishing a sin? And how does he change it around? It’s such a simple answer, it’s almost too easy.

Scripture References:

Alma 29
Doctrine and Covenants 98:3

We’re all Under Renovation

03 Episode – We’re All Under Renovation

We are temples being improved by the Master Creator. Will I let Him turn me into what I should be? Will I see the potential He sees in those around me?

Scriptures referenced:

Mosiah 23-24