Tag Archives: Ammon

Lacking In Details, Strong In Application

52 Episode – Lacking In Details, Strong In Application

Some books can transport you to a different world and make you forget your own. The Book of Mormon doesn’t really do that. And this is why I LOVE it!

Scripture References

Alma 46-62
Alma 17-18
Mormon 8-9
Moroni 10

Boast of My God

36 Episode – Boast of My God

Ammon is so grateful for everything that the Lord has helped him to be a part of. When was the last time I did that?

Scripture References

Alma 26
Alma 26:11
Alma 26: 27, 19
Alma 26:12

Abish’s Strength

35 Episode – Abish’s Strength

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be converted to the Lord, but nobody around you was? That’s the life that Abish lived. What strength!

Scripture references

Alma 19
Moroni 1

I’m So Tired

24 Episode – I’m So Tired

Do you ever just get tired? Like the kind where life just won’t give you a break, and things keep piling up, and on top of that you feel guilty for what you’re not doing. Me too. And Nephi too. And Ammon too.

Scripture References

2 Nephi 4:17-35
Alma 26:27

Learning In the Family, We All Do It

05 Episode – Learning In the Family, We All Do It

People often say, “My kids have taught me so much?” Is there any scripture evidence to back up the idea that this was part of God’s plan all along?

The Challenge To Become – Elder Dallin. H. Oaks

Lehi’s Lesson – 1 Nephi 16:21-27

Mormon’s Lesson – Moroni 8:4-23

The Brother of Jared and Jared – Ether 1:34-43

King Lamoni’s example to his father – Alma 20:8-27, 22:1-27


Some references of parents teaching their children: Moses 5:12, Genesis 22:1-13, 1 Nephi 1:1, 1 Nephi 2:9-11, Enos 1:1, Alma 36-42, Alma 56:47-48, Helaman 5:6-12