Tag Archives: Answers

What Would You Ask an Apostle?

89 Episode – What Would You Ask an Apostle?

So, what would be on your list of questions? You might have a long list or a short one, but questions are good. But what are the odds you will have the chance to ask them of an apostle? What do you do then?

Scripture References

1 Nephi 11
Alma 19:16
Luke 11:9-10, 3 Nephi 14:7-8
1 Nephi 15:8

Where Are You Going For Answers?

47 Episode – Where Are You Going For Answers?

When you have a question or need advice or are trying to make a decision, who do you talk to? What people are at the top of your list? Family, close friends, a social media group? What about Heavenly Father? Is He the first person you turn to, or is He more of a last resort? There are examples in the scriptures of people who turned to Him first, and people who turned to Him only out of desperation, or not at all. And there is a definite difference for how things worked out for those people.

Scripture References

1 Nephi 15:8
Mosiah 17:11-12
Doctrine & Covenants 9:7-8
“Our Father In Heaven.” Joseph Fielding Smith Manual