Tag Archives: Book of Mormon

Nigh Unto An Angel of Light

51 Episode – Night Unto An Angel of Light

Satan uses every trick he can to get to us. Are we looking for the lies? Do we know the truth well enough to recognize them?

Scripture References

2 Nephi 9:9
Elder David A. Bednar, We Believe In Being Chaste, General Conference Apr 2013
Doctrine and Covenants 88:63

Self Talk

49 Episode – Self Talk

There are those lessons in church about being kind and patient with ourselves. My teachers have even gone so far as to say that you need to speak nicely to yourself. There are even examples of prophets in the scriptures who give themselves positive self-talk.

Scripture References

2 Nephi 4:15-35
Alma 29

Comparing Miracles

48 Episode – Comparing Miracles

Neither Moses nor Enoch was a very good public speaker. Yet the Lord chose both of them to lead large groups of people. And He provided a way for both of them to accomplish their tasks. He provided two very different ways for them to accomplish their tasks. Why didn’t they receive the same miracle?

Scripture References

2 Nephi 3:17
Moses 6:31-32
1 Nephi 3:7
Pres. Russell M. Nelson, “Come, Follow Me,” General Conference April 2019

Where Are You Going For Answers?

47 Episode – Where Are You Going For Answers?

When you have a question or need advice or are trying to make a decision, who do you talk to? What people are at the top of your list? Family, close friends, a social media group? What about Heavenly Father? Is He the first person you turn to, or is He more of a last resort? There are examples in the scriptures of people who turned to Him first, and people who turned to Him only out of desperation, or not at all. And there is a definite difference for how things worked out for those people.

Scripture References

1 Nephi 15:8
Mosiah 17:11-12
Doctrine & Covenants 9:7-8
“Our Father In Heaven.” Joseph Fielding Smith Manual

Good Guys vs. Bad Guys

46 Episode – Good Guys vs Bad Guys

What do we learn from the bad guys in the scriptures? Would the scriptures be better if we only knew about the good guys?

Scripture References

1 Nephi
Jacob 7
Mosiah 12-17
Alma 23-27
Alma 30
Alma 46-62

There Are No “New Year’s Resolutions” in the Scriptures

44 Episode – There Are No “New Year’s Resolutions” in the Scriptures

The scriptures don’t use the word “goal” but there are definitely goals featured in the stories.

Scripture References

1 Nephi 3-4
1 Nephi 16:18-32
1 Nephi 17-18
Alma 46-62
Philippians 3:14

Why Gratitude?

40 Episode – Why Gratitude?

Two reasons and one thing to remember about being thankful. 1-When you are grateful to somebody it is hard to stay mad at them. 2-Gratitude begets hope. And remember, becoming grateful is a process.

Scripture References

Doctrine and Covenants 98:1,3
1 Nephi 1:20
Alma 32: 27-43
Doctrine and Covenants 121:10, 122:8
1 Nephi 3:7

Full Purpose of Heart

38 Episode – Full Purpose of Heart

If you were to explain the phrase “full purpose of heart” to someone what would you say? What does it mean? What does it look like? What does it feel like?

Joy. It looks and feels like joy.

Scripture References

2 Nephi 31:13
Jacob 6:5
Mosiah 7:33
3 Nephi 10:6, 12:24, 18:32
Doctrine and Covenants 17:1, 18:26-27
Joy and Spiritual Survival by Pres. Russell M. Nelson. GC Oct. 2016
Alma 48:10

They Know That You Know It

37 Episode – They Know That You Know It

I was wrong. I’ve been misunderstanding a scripture for my whole life. But, I really like the new understanding I have of the 2000 stripling warriors and the relationship they had with their mothers.

Scripture References

Alma 56
Alma 56:46-48
Alma 56:48

Boast of My God

36 Episode – Boast of My God

Ammon is so grateful for everything that the Lord has helped him to be a part of. When was the last time I did that?

Scripture References

Alma 26
Alma 26:11
Alma 26: 27, 19
Alma 26:12

Abish’s Strength

35 Episode – Abish’s Strength

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be converted to the Lord, but nobody around you was? That’s the life that Abish lived. What strength!

Scripture references

Alma 19
Moroni 1

Keeping It Simple, Jacob’s Journaling

33 Episode – Keeping It Simple, Jacob’s Journaling

Something is so much better than nothing when it comes to keeping a record for posterity. The prophet Jacob agrees. Here are 4 important things to remember about keeping a record of your life according to Jacob in the Book of Mormon.

Scripture References

Jacob 4:2-4

The Underdogs

32 Episode – The Underdogs

People who become heroes usually overcame something insurmountable. Scripture heroes are no different. And aren’t we all kind of underdogs here on earth?

Scripture References

Moses’ Story – Exodus through Deuteronomy
David’s Story – 1 and 2 Samuel
Nephi’s Story – 1 and 2 Nephi
Alma the elder’s Story – Mosiah 17-18, 23-27
Mormon’s Story – Mormon 1-7
Moroni’s Story – Mormon 8-9, Moroni 10
Paul’s Story – Acts 7-28, Pauline Epistles
Jesus Christ’s Story – Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

Godly Sorrow vs. Shame – Seeing Satan’s Counterfeits

31 Episode – Godly Sorrow vs. Shame – Seeing Satan’s Counterfeits

Satan tries to ruin everything God has given us in this world. He wants us to be confused, and he does his best at it. The only way we can counter it is to figure out what is really truth and how the adversary counterfeits it. Guilt is one of those. There is God’s way and Satan’s way.


Williams, Robin. The Non-Designer’s Design Book, Fourth Edition. pg. 11
2 Nephi 9:9
Isaiah 28:10
Mormon 2:14

Come Unto Me and Rest

30 Episode – Come Unto Me and Rest

Why should we come unto the Savior? Among other things He promises us rest, but what does that mean?

Scripture References

Isaiah 55:3
Matthew 11:28
John 6:35
2 Nephi 26:33
2 Nephi 28:32
Alma 5:34-35
3 Nephi 9:14, 22
3 Nephi 12:3, 20, 24
3 Nephi 18: 25, 33
Ether 4:13-14
Ether 12:27
Doctrine and Covenants 45:5, 46

Our Own “Coat of Skins”

28 Episode – Our Own “Coat of Skins”

When Adam and Eve left their innocence and the Garden of Eden the Lord gave them coats of skins to cover and protect them. What about us? As we leave our innocence and pass the age of accountability does the Lord give us a protection?

Scripture References

Genesis 3:21
Moses 4:27
Matthew 6:19
Moroni 8:8, 22
Doctrine and Covenants 29:46-47

Turning My Wheels

27 Episode – Turning My Wheels

The scriptures are full of object lessons. The Savior, in his parables, used many object lessons. Have you looked for those in your own life? I found one on my way to Utah this summer. Hope you enjoy it!

Humbling and Chastening

26 Episode – Humbling and Chastening

Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth. Really? Paul says so, and so does another prophet from the Book of Mormon. He just uses a different word. Humbleth.

Scripture References

Hebrews 12:6-7, 9-11
Alma 32:12-16

Other episodes referred to

23 Episode – Room For All Types
24 Episode – I’m So Tired

I’m So Tired

24 Episode – I’m So Tired

Do you ever just get tired? Like the kind where life just won’t give you a break, and things keep piling up, and on top of that you feel guilty for what you’re not doing. Me too. And Nephi too. And Ammon too.

Scripture References

2 Nephi 4:17-35
Alma 26:27

Room for All Types

23 Episode – Room for All Types

Do you ever have a hard time with the personalities of people you go to church with? I have. But there really is room for everyone. Heavenly Father can use all of us to further his work. Just look at the differing personalities in the scriptures.

Scripture References

2 Nephi 5:27
Jacob 7:26
Lord, I Believe, Jeffrey R. Holland, General Conference April 2013
Romans 1:15

Like a Hot Water Heater

22 Episode – Like a Hot Water Heater

Being active in the church is not exactly the same as being active in the gospel.

Scripture References

Matthew 25:1-13
Article of Faith 1:4
Doctrine and Covenants 58:26
Alma 32:12-16

Looking to Christ, Is It Really That Easy?

21 Episode – Looking to Christ, Is it Really That Easy?

All the Israelites had to do to save their lives from the bites of the serpents was to look at a brass serpent. Is it really that easy for us to look to the Savior and live?

Scripture References

Alma 33:19-20
Numbers 21:5-9
2 Nephi 32:4-5

Hitting Rock Bottom

20 Episode – Hitting Rock Bottom

We talk about “hitting rock bottom.” Why is there a bottom? What stops us from descending down forever? It’s Jesus Christ.

Scripture References

Doctrine and Covenants 122
Doctrine and Covenants 88:6
Hebrews 2:17-18
Alma 7:11-17