Tag Archives: Captain Moroni

Captain Moroni and Integrity

103 Episode – Captain Moroni and Integrity

I talked in episode 77 about Captain Moroni and charity. He had integrity too. It’s more than just telling the truth about the past. It’s telling the truth about the future. And it shows up throughout the many years he leads the Nephite armies.

Scripture References

Alma 43-44
Alma 48:17
Alma 48:13

In An Agony

92 Episode – In An Agony

What do you do first when things get hard?

Scripture References

Luke 22:44
2 Nephi 5:1-2
Alma 24:21
Alma 62:39-41
2 Nephi 32:9
Doctrine and Covenants 10:5
Alma 34:39
Alma 15:17
Doctrine and Covenants 121:8

Prayer Journal

79 Episode – Prayer Journal

Praying to our Heavenly Father began as soon as Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden. How do we make our prayers more meaningful? Here’s what I do.

Scripture References

Moses 5:4
Moses 5:8
Moses 8:16
Matthew 6:7
Alma 46:13


Captain Moroni and Charity

77 Episode – Captain Moroni and Charity

Charity is an attribute of Christ that we all strive for. But, what does it look like in real life when things are hard and not everything is black and white? Captain Moroni had charity even as he led his people, the Nephites, through multiple wars.

Scripture References

Alma 43-63
Moroni 7:45

A Story About a Jerk

69 Episode – A Story About a Jerk

Sometimes the scriptures teach me about life, and sometimes life teaches me about the scriptures. Here’s my experience with a jerk in the store a few days ago, and what I wish would have been different.

Scripture References

Alma 44:2
Alma 23-24
2 Nephi 32:5

Lacking In Details, Strong In Application

52 Episode – Lacking In Details, Strong In Application

Some books can transport you to a different world and make you forget your own. The Book of Mormon doesn’t really do that. And this is why I LOVE it!

Scripture References

Alma 46-62
Alma 17-18
Mormon 8-9
Moroni 10

Good Guys vs. Bad Guys

46 Episode – Good Guys vs Bad Guys

What do we learn from the bad guys in the scriptures? Would the scriptures be better if we only knew about the good guys?

Scripture References

1 Nephi
Jacob 7
Mosiah 12-17
Alma 23-27
Alma 30
Alma 46-62

There Are No “New Year’s Resolutions” in the Scriptures

44 Episode – There Are No “New Year’s Resolutions” in the Scriptures

The scriptures don’t use the word “goal” but there are definitely goals featured in the stories.

Scripture References

1 Nephi 3-4
1 Nephi 16:18-32
1 Nephi 17-18
Alma 46-62
Philippians 3:14

Captain Moroni vs. Amalickiah

02 Episode – Captain Moroni vs. Amalickiah

Captain Moroni prepares his people to battle Amalickiah. Find out how his example helps me prepare myself and my family to battle Satan.

References for study:

Alma 46:11-28 – I’ve got to know what I stand for, what I believe.
Alma 48:7-13 – How is my home? Is it a place of resort, a safe place for my family? How hard do I actually work to protect from Satan?
Alma 50:1-7 – Do I keep preparing? Satan changes tactics. Do I keep up my defenses?
Alma 50:13-14, 23 – This is ‘living unto God.’ They didn’t let fear scare them into hiding.They went out and lived!