Tag Archives: Jealousy

Comparing Miracles

48 Episode – Comparing Miracles

Neither Moses nor Enoch was a very good public speaker. Yet the Lord chose both of them to lead large groups of people. And He provided a way for both of them to accomplish their tasks. He provided two very different ways for them to accomplish their tasks. Why didn’t they receive the same miracle?

Scripture References

2 Nephi 3:17
Moses 6:31-32
1 Nephi 3:7
Pres. Russell M. Nelson, “Come, Follow Me,” General Conference April 2019

Being Jealous of Other’s Blessings

19 Episode – Being Jealous of Other’s Blessings

Do you ever find yourself jealous because someone else got the blessing you were asking for? What do we do about that?

Scripture References

Mark 5:22-43
Matthew 9:18-26
Luke 8:41-56