Tag Archives: Jesus

The Gift of Following

123 Episode – The Gift of Following

Sometimes it requires a little more imagination to see how the scriptures apply to us. What if you were the rich man, asking Jesus what you needed to do to receive eternal life?

Scripture References

Mark 10:17-21

Spinning My Wheels

122 Episode – Spinning My Wheels

My scripture study last week felt like I was spinning my wheels in the mud. But that doesn’t mean I’m stuck forever.

Scripture References

Alma 32:12-13
Bonded to Jesus Christ: Becoming the Salt of the Earth, José A. Teixeira. General Conference, Oct. 2024.

The Mediator

119 Episode – The Mediator

Jesus Christ does more than just advocate for us before the judgement bar of God. He makes all that is unfair right.

Scripture References

Doctrine & Covenants 45:3-5
1 Timothy 2:5-6
2 Nephi 2:27
Alma 45:16
Infuriating Unfairness, Elder Dale G. Renlund. General Conference, April 2021.
Doctrine & Covenants 123:17

My Work – What is it?

118 Episode – My Work – What is it?

If God’s work is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, what’s mine?

Scripture References

Doctrine & Covenants 4:3
Moses 1:39
2 Timothy 1:8-10
Doctrine and Covenants 11:20-21
2 Nephi 25:26
Mosiah 4:26 

To Be Unshaken

117 Episode – To Be Unshaken

Jacob, a prophet in The Book of Mormon, has to deal with a man teaching people there is no Christ. How did he prepare to hear from someone who wanted to shake him?

Scripture References

Jacob 7
Lord, I Believe, Elder Jeffery R. Holland. General Conference, April 2013.
John 14:26
An Evening With A General Authority, Elder David A. Bednar.
The Spirit of Revelation, Elder David A. Bednar. General Conference, April 2011.

Cycle of Hope

116 Episode – Cycle of Hope

Imagine it’s your first time ever reading the Book or Mormon. Nephi begins his story about his family. You have no idea that Nephi will eventually flee for his life from his brothers. Why did Nephi write it that way? Why not just tell us at the beginning that his brothers were going to be like that?

Scripture References

2 Nephi 5
Lifelong Conversion, Dale G. Renlund. BYU Speeches, September 14, 2021.
2 Nephi 33:4

A Testimony of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

115 Episode – A Testimony of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

I was recently asked to share how my testimony of the resurrection of Jesus Christ has blessed my life. These are my thoughts.

Scripture References

Jacob 7:12
Sunday Will Come, Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin. General Conference, October 2006.
Hebrews 12:1-2

My Favorite Easter Story

114 Episode – My Favorite Easter Story

The title pretty much explains this epsiode. I promise it’s worth the listen.

Scripture References

John 20
Luke 24
Doctrine & Covenants 122:7-9
Alma 7:11, 13
3 Nephi 18:32

Just Water

113 Episode – Just Water

God has left reminders of Him and His love all over this world that He created. In this episode, I share a funny little story about one of my family’s experiences wth water, and why we keep going back.

Scripture References

Some references of Jesus and water (Matthew 3, 4, 8, 13, 14, 15, 17; Mark 1-7; John 6, 21)
Alma 30:41

Grace, Healing, and Invitation

Episode 112 – Grace, Healing, and Invitation

Jesus Christ healed many people while He ministered during His earthly life. But He didn’t just leave them at that. He offered invitations.

Scripture References

Matthew 8
Mark 2
John 5
Matthew 9
Luke 17
Mark 10
“Songs Sung and Unsung,” Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. General Conference April 2017.
J. Richard Clarke, Mar 1984 BYU Devotional

Fear Not – But For Real Though?

110 Episode – Fear Not – But For Real Though?

When the Savior says to “fear not” does he really mean, like, never fear? Not anything?

Scripture References

Matthew 8:23-27
Mark 4:35-40
Luke 8:22-25
Doctrine & Covenants 6:36
Doctrine & Covenants 101:36

Two Yokes

109 Episode – Two Yokes

The Savior said to take His yoke upon us. So that means there must be another yoke that we could choose. Also, what load are we pulling that we need a yoke for?

Scripture References

Matthew 11:28-30

A Family Christmas Story

108 Episode – A Family Christmas Story

My family reads a story from my Grandad every year on Christmas Eve. I would like to share it with you. Merry Christmas!

Scripture References

John 3:16

The Good Samaritan – What’s Not Said

107 Episode – The Good Samaritan – What’s Not Said

Have you ever thought about what the Savior didn’t say in his parable to the lawyer about the Good Samaritan? Sometimes what is not said can bring just as much insight as what is said.

Scripture References

Luke 10:30-35

Unto Your House

104 Episode – Unto Your House

Alma took people to his house to minister to them. How did he keep his home ready for that?

Scripture References

Alma 15
Alma 27:20
Moses 5:8
“Our Heartfelt All,” Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf. General Conference April 2022.

Captain Moroni and Integrity

103 Episode – Captain Moroni and Integrity

I talked in episode 77 about Captain Moroni and charity. He had integrity too. It’s more than just telling the truth about the past. It’s telling the truth about the future. And it shows up throughout the many years he leads the Nephite armies.

Scripture References

Alma 43-44
Alma 48:17
Alma 48:13

Not Too Late

102 Episode – Not Too Late

Helaman leads a band of 2000 young men into battle during the war chapters in the Book of Mormon. But 60 others show up later. What does he do with them? What does that mean for us?

Scripture References

Alma 56:56
Alma 57:25
Alma 57:6
Alma 57:19-21

I’ll Do It

100 Episode – I’ll Do It

“I only want what you want. Just tell me what that is. I’ll do it.” Can you say this prayer honestly? It sounds a little scary to me.

Scripture References

Mosiah 17
Alma 9-14
Helaman 15
Doctrine and Covenants 98:14
2 Nephi 2:27
2 Nephi 10:23
1 Corinthians 2:9

Kicked Out of the Synagogue

99 Episode – Kicked Out of the Synagogue

The poor of the Zoramites were kicked out of their synagogues and felt unable to worship. Little did they know Alma would teach them it was a blessing.

Scripture References

Alma 32

Do It For God

98 Episode – Do It For God

Why do we do what we do? For praise. For followers. To make change in the world. Maybe we should do it for God.

Scripture References

“Our Heartfelt All.” Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf. Genreal Conference, April 2022.
Mark 14:3-9

A Thought on Mary and Martha

97 Episode – A Thought on Mary and Martha

The story of Martha serving and Mary sitting at Jesus’ feet has been a hard one for me to understand. Maybe these thoughts will help.

Scripture References

Luke 10:38-42
1 Timothy 5:8

Giants and Walls

96 Episode – Giants and Walls

Where did all the giants go? We may not face literal giants today, but we definitely face hard things. How did the Savior face His giants?

Scripture References

Matthew 14:10-20
Mark 4:36-41
John 11:32-44
Luke 22:39-44