Tag Archives: Jesus

Choose Right

95 Episode – Choose Right

If everyone was perfect and chose the right every time, would we all be the same? Is there more than one right?

Scripture References

2 Nephi 31
3 Nephi 12:48
Matthew 5:48
Luke 2:46-47
Luke 2:51
Moroni 7:16
Mosiah 4:29

Shut Up and Enjoy It

93 Episode – Shut Up and Enjoy it

How do things that we hate doing fit into the plan of happiness? I have no idea. But I do know that the Savior meets us where we are and helps us up.

*Note: I said the talk “Come What May and Love It” was from April 2008, but it’s actually from October 2008.

Scripture References

2 Nephi 2:25
John 16:33
“Come What May and Love It,” Joseph B. Wirthlin. General Conference, April 2008.

In An Agony

92 Episode – In An Agony

What do you do first when things get hard?

Scripture References

Luke 22:44
2 Nephi 5:1-2
Alma 24:21
Alma 62:39-41
2 Nephi 32:9
Doctrine and Covenants 10:5
Alma 34:39
Alma 15:17
Doctrine and Covenants 121:8

What Comes After the Feast?

88 Episode – What Comes After the Feast?

Are you “feasting” on the words of Christ? There is more to it than you think, and you don’t always have to be reading your scriptures to do it.

Scripture References

2 Nephi 31:20
2 Nephi 32:3

Peter and Alma

83 Episode – Peter and Alma

Peter and Alma were both prophets whom we are lucky enough to know a bit more than usual about how they came to be there. Though their beginning paths looked different, they used the same source for their power and faith. Christ.

Scripture References

John 13
2 Nephi 31:19-20

The Cup Analogy

82 Episode – The Cup Analogy

My sister told me a great analogy about kids and cups and being grateful for what you have. I share it here with you.

Scripture References

Doctrine and Covenants 59:21
Isaiah 55:8-9

New Testament Insights

81 Episode – New Testament Insights

A new reading of any book of scripture provides new insights. But this one seems even more fun because this time I’m comparing a different translation of the Bible to the King James Version.

Scripture References

Dieter F Uchtdorf Instagram post from Jan 2021
Luke 4:40
Luke 6:17-19
Luke 9:6
Matthew 11:28

Prayer Journal

79 Episode – Prayer Journal

Praying to our Heavenly Father began as soon as Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden. How do we make our prayers more meaningful? Here’s what I do.

Scripture References

Moses 5:4
Moses 5:8
Moses 8:16
Matthew 6:7
Alma 46:13


Keep the … Laws and Ordinances

78 Episode – Keep the … Laws and Ordinances

A new take on the Third Article of Faith that I never really thought about before.

Scripture References

Dale G. Renlund, “Do Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with God.” General Conference Oct. 2020
Marvin J. Ashton, “On Being Worthy.” General Conference Apr. 1989
Joseph Fielding Smith. Doctrines of Salvation, comp. Bruce R. McConkie.

The Dealings of God

76 Episode – The Dealing of God

We all know that Laman and Lemuel did a lot of murmuring. They did have to go through quite a bit in their life. But Nephi didn’t complain. What made the difference?

Scripture References

1 Nephi 2:12
3 Nephi 11:37-39
3 Nephi 27:13-16

Forgiveness – What Didn’t Happen

75 Episode – Forgiveness- What Didn’t Happen

Sometimes the best questions we can ask ourselves as we read the scriptures is: “What would have happened if things didn’t work out that way?” Or “What if this person had chosen to do something different?”

Scripture References

Alma 11:46
Alma 14:6
Alma 15:5
Alma 31:6

Forgive the Hypocrite

74 Episode – Forgive the Hypocrite

Corianton caused some serious damage with his example while serving as a missionary to the Zoramites. But was everything that happened his fault?

Scripture References

Alma 31
Alma 35
Alma 39:11
Alma 7:13
3 Nephi 1:29
The Healing Power of Forgiveness, James E. Faust General Conference April 2007

Can People Change?

71 Episode – Can People Change?

I didn’t even consider this a question before one day in a high school class. But, apparently it is, and it’s an important one. The answer is, YES! They can!

Scripture References

Mosiah 27
Mosiah 28:4
2 Timothy 4:7
Ezekiel 36:26-28

Storms of Life

66 Episode – Storms of Life

A great reminder from the wise man and the foolish man that storms come to everyone. That the presence of storms in your life is not a measure of your righteous. They are just a fact of mortal life.

Scripture References

Matthew 5:44-45
Matthew 7:24-27

Justice and Mercy

65 Episode – Justice and Mercy

Real life gospel lessons can be found everywhere. In this episode I dive into why mercy needs justice through a well known story, Les Miserables.

Scripture References

Alma 42:12-22

Out of Darkness

63 Episode – Out of Darkness

Why would Mormon switch part way through telling us a story from the viewpoint of the Nephites to the viewpoint of the Lamanites? It’s because all of us are the “the Lamanites” sometimes.

Scripture References

Helaman 4-5

What They Most Desired

62 Episode – What They Most Desired

The Nephites are waiting for Jesus to come on the second day, just like He said they would. And the thing they want most is…the Holy Ghost? Why?

Scripture References

3 Nephi 11: 27, 32-33, 36
3 Nephi 12:2, 6
3 Nephi 16:6
3 Nephi 19:21-22
John 14-16
3 Nephi 27:20
Moroni 4-5
3 Nephi 19:9

Let Your Hearts Rejoice

60 Episode – Let Your Hearts Rejoice

What is there to rejoice about when the world is full of worries and bad things?

Scripture References

2 Nephi 9:52
John 16:33
“Consider the Goodness and Greatness of God”, Dale G. Renlund, General Conference April 2020
Doctrine and Covenants 100:12

King Limhi Getting Out of Bondage

58 Episode – King Limhi Getting Out of Bondage

King Limhi’s group of Nephites want to be delivered from the Lamanites. They want it more than anything. But they can’t do it themselves. How does their journey to becoming free apply to my life?

Scripture References

Mosiah 21:5-18
Doctrine and Covenants 95:1

And a Child Shall Lead Them

56 Episode – And a Child Shall Lead Them

Some of my greatest lessons have come from children. We are told, in the scriptures, to become as a little child. Why is that? And what does that mean?

Scripture References

Mosiah 3:19
Matthew 18:3
Moroni 8:8
Mosiah 3:16
Matthew 11:30
Doctrine and Covenants 6:34-36
Luke 18:16

Peace Does Not Mean Easy

54 Episode – Peace Does Not Mean Easy

I think we sometimes confuse peace with ease or comfort. Because something is hard or uncomfortable we decide to leave it behind. “It’s not for me.” That’s not what the Savior meant when He said, “My peace I give unto you” (John 14:27).

Scripture References

Joy D. Jones, Pres. Russell M. Nelson, “An Especially Noble Calling.” General Conference, April 2020.
John 14:27
3 Nephi
John 16:33

Wisdom From the Wise

43 Episode – Wisdom From the Wise

Here’s three things to learn from the wise men in the Christmas story.

Scripture References

Matthew 2:1-12
3 Nephi 9:20
Psalms 55:22
Matthew 11:29

How Is My Dirt?

42 Episode – How Is My Dirt?

In the parable of the sower, seeds fall in different kinds of soil and Jesus talks about what happens to the seeds in each area. What we don’t hear about is what happens to the soil after that? Does it stay the same? Does it change so that the next time seeds come it will be ready? I guess that’s really only something each of us can decide for ourselves.

Scripture References

Mark 4:3-8
1 Nephi 11:22