Tag Archives: Laman and Lemuel

Cycle of Hope

116 Episode – Cycle of Hope

Imagine it’s your first time ever reading the Book or Mormon. Nephi begins his story about his family. You have no idea that Nephi will eventually flee for his life from his brothers. Why did Nephi write it that way? Why not just tell us at the beginning that his brothers were going to be like that?

Scripture References

2 Nephi 5
Lifelong Conversion, Dale G. Renlund. BYU Speeches, September 14, 2021.
2 Nephi 33:4

No Going Back

90 Episode – No Going Back

The only way out is through. For reals.

Scripture References

Exodus 14:12
1 Nephi 2:11-12
Genesis 3:17
“The Power Spiritual Momentum,” Pres. Russell M. Nelson. General Conference, April 2022.
“Our Heartfelt All,” Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf. General Conference, April 2022.

The Dealings of God

76 Episode – The Dealing of God

We all know that Laman and Lemuel did a lot of murmuring. They did have to go through quite a bit in their life. But Nephi didn’t complain. What made the difference?

Scripture References

1 Nephi 2:12
3 Nephi 11:37-39
3 Nephi 27:13-16

Forgiveness – What Didn’t Happen

75 Episode – Forgiveness- What Didn’t Happen

Sometimes the best questions we can ask ourselves as we read the scriptures is: “What would have happened if things didn’t work out that way?” Or “What if this person had chosen to do something different?”

Scripture References

Alma 11:46
Alma 14:6
Alma 15:5
Alma 31:6

Where Are You Going For Answers?

47 Episode – Where Are You Going For Answers?

When you have a question or need advice or are trying to make a decision, who do you talk to? What people are at the top of your list? Family, close friends, a social media group? What about Heavenly Father? Is He the first person you turn to, or is He more of a last resort? There are examples in the scriptures of people who turned to Him first, and people who turned to Him only out of desperation, or not at all. And there is a definite difference for how things worked out for those people.

Scripture References

1 Nephi 15:8
Mosiah 17:11-12
Doctrine & Covenants 9:7-8
“Our Father In Heaven.” Joseph Fielding Smith Manual

Good Guys vs. Bad Guys

46 Episode – Good Guys vs Bad Guys

What do we learn from the bad guys in the scriptures? Would the scriptures be better if we only knew about the good guys?

Scripture References

1 Nephi
Jacob 7
Mosiah 12-17
Alma 23-27
Alma 30
Alma 46-62