Tag Archives: learning

A Thought on Mary and Martha

97 Episode – A Thought on Mary and Martha

The story of Martha serving and Mary sitting at Jesus’ feet has been a hard one for me to understand. Maybe these thoughts will help.

Scripture References

Luke 10:38-42
1 Timothy 5:8

No Going Back

90 Episode – No Going Back

The only way out is through. For reals.

Scripture References

Exodus 14:12
1 Nephi 2:11-12
Genesis 3:17
“The Power Spiritual Momentum,” Pres. Russell M. Nelson. General Conference, April 2022.
“Our Heartfelt All,” Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf. General Conference, April 2022.

Unnecessary Baggage

67 Episode – Unnecessary Baggage

If you were traveling to a place you had never seen before and you were never coming back, what would you take with you? What would your family members take with them? Would you all think the same things were important?

Scripture References

1 Nephi 18:6

Learning the Ways of the Lord

64 Episode – Learning the Ways of the Lord

Knowledge is great to have. And we should seek it. But what knowledge is most important? What knowledge will bless our lives the most?

Scripture References

Proverbs 18:15
Jarom 1: 6, 8

The Source of Healing

Jesus taught with everything he did. He teaches a simple yet profound lesson to a man at the pool of Bethesda as he asks him a simple question and then heals him: Jesus is the real source of all healing.

Scripture References

John 5:1-9
2 Nephi 4:34
John 14:6
2 Nephi 31:21
Matthew 7:8
Joshua 1:5

Learning In the Family, We All Do It

05 Episode – Learning In the Family, We All Do It

People often say, “My kids have taught me so much?” Is there any scripture evidence to back up the idea that this was part of God’s plan all along?

The Challenge To Become – Elder Dallin. H. Oaks

Lehi’s Lesson – 1 Nephi 16:21-27

Mormon’s Lesson – Moroni 8:4-23

The Brother of Jared and Jared – Ether 1:34-43

King Lamoni’s example to his father – Alma 20:8-27, 22:1-27


Some references of parents teaching their children: Moses 5:12, Genesis 22:1-13, 1 Nephi 1:1, 1 Nephi 2:9-11, Enos 1:1, Alma 36-42, Alma 56:47-48, Helaman 5:6-12