Tag Archives: Moroni

Choose Right

95 Episode – Choose Right

If everyone was perfect and chose the right every time, would we all be the same? Is there more than one right?

Scripture References

2 Nephi 31
3 Nephi 12:48
Matthew 5:48
Luke 2:46-47
Luke 2:51
Moroni 7:16
Mosiah 4:29

Lacking In Details, Strong In Application

52 Episode – Lacking In Details, Strong In Application

Some books can transport you to a different world and make you forget your own. The Book of Mormon doesn’t really do that. And this is why I LOVE it!

Scripture References

Alma 46-62
Alma 17-18
Mormon 8-9
Moroni 10

Good Guys vs. Bad Guys

46 Episode – Good Guys vs Bad Guys

What do we learn from the bad guys in the scriptures? Would the scriptures be better if we only knew about the good guys?

Scripture References

1 Nephi
Jacob 7
Mosiah 12-17
Alma 23-27
Alma 30
Alma 46-62

Learning In the Family, We All Do It

05 Episode – Learning In the Family, We All Do It

People often say, “My kids have taught me so much?” Is there any scripture evidence to back up the idea that this was part of God’s plan all along?

The Challenge To Become – Elder Dallin. H. Oaks

Lehi’s Lesson – 1 Nephi 16:21-27

Mormon’s Lesson – Moroni 8:4-23

The Brother of Jared and Jared – Ether 1:34-43

King Lamoni’s example to his father – Alma 20:8-27, 22:1-27


Some references of parents teaching their children: Moses 5:12, Genesis 22:1-13, 1 Nephi 1:1, 1 Nephi 2:9-11, Enos 1:1, Alma 36-42, Alma 56:47-48, Helaman 5:6-12