Tag Archives: New Testament

Storms of Life

66 Episode – Storms of Life

A great reminder from the wise man and the foolish man that storms come to everyone. That the presence of storms in your life is not a measure of your righteous. They are just a fact of mortal life.

Scripture References

Matthew 5:44-45
Matthew 7:24-27

What They Most Desired

62 Episode – What They Most Desired

The Nephites are waiting for Jesus to come on the second day, just like He said they would. And the thing they want most is…the Holy Ghost? Why?

Scripture References

3 Nephi 11: 27, 32-33, 36
3 Nephi 12:2, 6
3 Nephi 16:6
3 Nephi 19:21-22
John 14-16
3 Nephi 27:20
Moroni 4-5
3 Nephi 19:9

Let Your Hearts Rejoice

60 Episode – Let Your Hearts Rejoice

What is there to rejoice about when the world is full of worries and bad things?

Scripture References

2 Nephi 9:52
John 16:33
“Consider the Goodness and Greatness of God”, Dale G. Renlund, General Conference April 2020
Doctrine and Covenants 100:12

And a Child Shall Lead Them

56 Episode – And a Child Shall Lead Them

Some of my greatest lessons have come from children. We are told, in the scriptures, to become as a little child. Why is that? And what does that mean?

Scripture References

Mosiah 3:19
Matthew 18:3
Moroni 8:8
Mosiah 3:16
Matthew 11:30
Doctrine and Covenants 6:34-36
Luke 18:16

Peace Does Not Mean Easy

54 Episode – Peace Does Not Mean Easy

I think we sometimes confuse peace with ease or comfort. Because something is hard or uncomfortable we decide to leave it behind. “It’s not for me.” That’s not what the Savior meant when He said, “My peace I give unto you” (John 14:27).

Scripture References

Joy D. Jones, Pres. Russell M. Nelson, “An Especially Noble Calling.” General Conference, April 2020.
John 14:27
3 Nephi
John 16:33

There Are No “New Year’s Resolutions” in the Scriptures

44 Episode – There Are No “New Year’s Resolutions” in the Scriptures

The scriptures don’t use the word “goal” but there are definitely goals featured in the stories.

Scripture References

1 Nephi 3-4
1 Nephi 16:18-32
1 Nephi 17-18
Alma 46-62
Philippians 3:14

Wisdom From the Wise

43 Episode – Wisdom From the Wise

Here’s three things to learn from the wise men in the Christmas story.

Scripture References

Matthew 2:1-12
3 Nephi 9:20
Psalms 55:22
Matthew 11:29

How Is My Dirt?

42 Episode – How Is My Dirt?

In the parable of the sower, seeds fall in different kinds of soil and Jesus talks about what happens to the seeds in each area. What we don’t hear about is what happens to the soil after that? Does it stay the same? Does it change so that the next time seeds come it will be ready? I guess that’s really only something each of us can decide for ourselves.

Scripture References

Mark 4:3-8
1 Nephi 11:22

Messing Up The Plan

41 Episode – Messing Up The Plan

Why did Jesus tell Peter that he was going to deny the Savior 3 times in one night? I don’t know. But it does show that Heavenly Father knows what we will do before we do it. Is there comfort in that?

Scripture References

Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75
Romans 3:23

The Source of Healing

Jesus taught with everything he did. He teaches a simple yet profound lesson to a man at the pool of Bethesda as he asks him a simple question and then heals him: Jesus is the real source of all healing.

Scripture References

John 5:1-9
2 Nephi 4:34
John 14:6
2 Nephi 31:21
Matthew 7:8
Joshua 1:5

The Underdogs

32 Episode – The Underdogs

People who become heroes usually overcame something insurmountable. Scripture heroes are no different. And aren’t we all kind of underdogs here on earth?

Scripture References

Moses’ Story – Exodus through Deuteronomy
David’s Story – 1 and 2 Samuel
Nephi’s Story – 1 and 2 Nephi
Alma the elder’s Story – Mosiah 17-18, 23-27
Mormon’s Story – Mormon 1-7
Moroni’s Story – Mormon 8-9, Moroni 10
Paul’s Story – Acts 7-28, Pauline Epistles
Jesus Christ’s Story – Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

Come Unto Me and Rest

30 Episode – Come Unto Me and Rest

Why should we come unto the Savior? Among other things He promises us rest, but what does that mean?

Scripture References

Isaiah 55:3
Matthew 11:28
John 6:35
2 Nephi 26:33
2 Nephi 28:32
Alma 5:34-35
3 Nephi 9:14, 22
3 Nephi 12:3, 20, 24
3 Nephi 18: 25, 33
Ether 4:13-14
Ether 12:27
Doctrine and Covenants 45:5, 46

Scriptures Are Like Onions – A Hidden Verse on Showing Love

29 Episode – Scriptures Are Like Onions – A Hidden Verse on Showing Love

Scriptures are not just a bunch stories. They can be applied to teach us about things in EVERY part of our life, from the spiritual to the temporal.

Scripture References

Doctrine and Covenants 58:26-29
1 John 4:19

Our Own “Coat of Skins”

28 Episode – Our Own “Coat of Skins”

When Adam and Eve left their innocence and the Garden of Eden the Lord gave them coats of skins to cover and protect them. What about us? As we leave our innocence and pass the age of accountability does the Lord give us a protection?

Scripture References

Genesis 3:21
Moses 4:27
Matthew 6:19
Moroni 8:8, 22
Doctrine and Covenants 29:46-47

Turning My Wheels

27 Episode – Turning My Wheels

The scriptures are full of object lessons. The Savior, in his parables, used many object lessons. Have you looked for those in your own life? I found one on my way to Utah this summer. Hope you enjoy it!

Humbling and Chastening

26 Episode – Humbling and Chastening

Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth. Really? Paul says so, and so does another prophet from the Book of Mormon. He just uses a different word. Humbleth.

Scripture References

Hebrews 12:6-7, 9-11
Alma 32:12-16

Other episodes referred to

23 Episode – Room For All Types
24 Episode – I’m So Tired

Mighty in the Truth

25 Episode – Mighty in the Truth

The sword of truth is all we have to fight with, but will we pick it up?

Note: I refer to the sword in the Armor of God as the sword of truth, but the scriptures actually refer to it as the sword of the Spirit. I think my confusion came from the Hymn Let Us All Press On, 243. But, the scriptures came from the Spirit prompting prophets to write things down. And all truth comes to us by the Spirit, so, it works. Enjoy!

Scripture References

Acts 17:11
Acts 18:24-28
Ephesians 6:10-18
“Let Us All Press On”

Room for All Types

23 Episode – Room for All Types

Do you ever have a hard time with the personalities of people you go to church with? I have. But there really is room for everyone. Heavenly Father can use all of us to further his work. Just look at the differing personalities in the scriptures.

Scripture References

2 Nephi 5:27
Jacob 7:26
Lord, I Believe, Jeffrey R. Holland, General Conference April 2013
Romans 1:15

Hitting Rock Bottom

20 Episode – Hitting Rock Bottom

We talk about “hitting rock bottom.” Why is there a bottom? What stops us from descending down forever? It’s Jesus Christ.

Scripture References

Doctrine and Covenants 122
Doctrine and Covenants 88:6
Hebrews 2:17-18
Alma 7:11-17

Being Jealous of Other’s Blessings

19 Episode – Being Jealous of Other’s Blessings

Do you ever find yourself jealous because someone else got the blessing you were asking for? What do we do about that?

Scripture References

Mark 5:22-43
Matthew 9:18-26
Luke 8:41-56

People Over To-Do Lists

18 Episode – People Over To-Do Lists

Even the Savior had a to-do list of sorts. And He would sometimes set it aside to take care of someone who needed Him.

Scripture References

Finding Joy in the Journey – Thomas S. Monson, General Conference October 2008
Mark 5:22-43
Matthew 9:18-26
Luke 8:41-56

Lost – Part 2

16 Episode – Lost – Part 2

What do I need to do to help find others who are lost? In this episode I talk about what I learned from the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son.

Scripture References:

Luke 15

Lost – Part 1

15 Episode – Lost – Part 1

How do I become lost? And how do I become found? This is what I learned from what Jesus Christ taught in the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son.

Scripture References:

Luke 15
1 Nephi 10:6

Spiritual Super Powers

10 Episode – Spiritual Super Powers

We all have spiritual super powers, referred to in the scriptures as “gifts.” What’s your super power? Or maybe you have a couple?

Doctrine and Covenants 46:11

Check out these scriptures for a list of possible super powers:

Doctrine and Covenants 46:8-26
Moroni 10:8-18
1 Corinthians 12:4-11