Tag Archives: Repentance

Spinning My Wheels

122 Episode – Spinning My Wheels

My scripture study last week felt like I was spinning my wheels in the mud. But that doesn’t mean I’m stuck forever.

Scripture References

Alma 32:12-13
Bonded to Jesus Christ: Becoming the Salt of the Earth, José A. Teixeira. General Conference, Oct. 2024.

Grace, Healing, and Invitation

Episode 112 – Grace, Healing, and Invitation

Jesus Christ healed many people while He ministered during His earthly life. But He didn’t just leave them at that. He offered invitations.

Scripture References

Matthew 8
Mark 2
John 5
Matthew 9
Luke 17
Mark 10
“Songs Sung and Unsung,” Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. General Conference April 2017.
J. Richard Clarke, Mar 1984 BYU Devotional

Two Yokes

109 Episode – Two Yokes

The Savior said to take His yoke upon us. So that means there must be another yoke that we could choose. Also, what load are we pulling that we need a yoke for?

Scripture References

Matthew 11:28-30

The Good Samaritan – What’s Not Said

107 Episode – The Good Samaritan – What’s Not Said

Have you ever thought about what the Savior didn’t say in his parable to the lawyer about the Good Samaritan? Sometimes what is not said can bring just as much insight as what is said.

Scripture References

Luke 10:30-35

Unto Your House

104 Episode – Unto Your House

Alma took people to his house to minister to them. How did he keep his home ready for that?

Scripture References

Alma 15
Alma 27:20
Moses 5:8
“Our Heartfelt All,” Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf. General Conference April 2022.

Peter and Alma

83 Episode – Peter and Alma

Peter and Alma were both prophets whom we are lucky enough to know a bit more than usual about how they came to be there. Though their beginning paths looked different, they used the same source for their power and faith. Christ.

Scripture References

John 13
2 Nephi 31:19-20

The Dealings of God

76 Episode – The Dealing of God

We all know that Laman and Lemuel did a lot of murmuring. They did have to go through quite a bit in their life. But Nephi didn’t complain. What made the difference?

Scripture References

1 Nephi 2:12
3 Nephi 11:37-39
3 Nephi 27:13-16

Forgiveness – What Didn’t Happen

75 Episode – Forgiveness- What Didn’t Happen

Sometimes the best questions we can ask ourselves as we read the scriptures is: “What would have happened if things didn’t work out that way?” Or “What if this person had chosen to do something different?”

Scripture References

Alma 11:46
Alma 14:6
Alma 15:5
Alma 31:6

Forgive the Hypocrite

74 Episode – Forgive the Hypocrite

Corianton caused some serious damage with his example while serving as a missionary to the Zoramites. But was everything that happened his fault?

Scripture References

Alma 31
Alma 35
Alma 39:11
Alma 7:13
3 Nephi 1:29
The Healing Power of Forgiveness, James E. Faust General Conference April 2007

A Smiling Filthy Faced 2-year-old and the Atonement

73 Episode – A Smiling Filthy Faced 2-year-old and the Atonement

Nephi says that once we have the gift of the Holy Ghost, he will tell us what we should do. But how does that even work?

Scripture References

2 Nephi 32:1-5
2 Nephi 25:4
Romans 3:23

Can People Change?

71 Episode – Can People Change?

I didn’t even consider this a question before one day in a high school class. But, apparently it is, and it’s an important one. The answer is, YES! They can!

Scripture References

Mosiah 27
Mosiah 28:4
2 Timothy 4:7
Ezekiel 36:26-28

Justice and Mercy

65 Episode – Justice and Mercy

Real life gospel lessons can be found everywhere. In this episode I dive into why mercy needs justice through a well known story, Les Miserables.

Scripture References

Alma 42:12-22

What They Most Desired

62 Episode – What They Most Desired

The Nephites are waiting for Jesus to come on the second day, just like He said they would. And the thing they want most is…the Holy Ghost? Why?

Scripture References

3 Nephi 11: 27, 32-33, 36
3 Nephi 12:2, 6
3 Nephi 16:6
3 Nephi 19:21-22
John 14-16
3 Nephi 27:20
Moroni 4-5
3 Nephi 19:9

King Limhi Getting Out of Bondage

58 Episode – King Limhi Getting Out of Bondage

King Limhi’s group of Nephites want to be delivered from the Lamanites. They want it more than anything. But they can’t do it themselves. How does their journey to becoming free apply to my life?

Scripture References

Mosiah 21:5-18
Doctrine and Covenants 95:1

And a Child Shall Lead Them

56 Episode – And a Child Shall Lead Them

Some of my greatest lessons have come from children. We are told, in the scriptures, to become as a little child. Why is that? And what does that mean?

Scripture References

Mosiah 3:19
Matthew 18:3
Moroni 8:8
Mosiah 3:16
Matthew 11:30
Doctrine and Covenants 6:34-36
Luke 18:16

Nigh Unto An Angel of Light

51 Episode – Night Unto An Angel of Light

Satan uses every trick he can to get to us. Are we looking for the lies? Do we know the truth well enough to recognize them?

Scripture References

2 Nephi 9:9
Elder David A. Bednar, We Believe In Being Chaste, General Conference Apr 2013
Doctrine and Covenants 88:63

Self Talk

49 Episode – Self Talk

There are those lessons in church about being kind and patient with ourselves. My teachers have even gone so far as to say that you need to speak nicely to yourself. There are even examples of prophets in the scriptures who give themselves positive self-talk.

Scripture References

2 Nephi 4:15-35
Alma 29

How Is My Dirt?

42 Episode – How Is My Dirt?

In the parable of the sower, seeds fall in different kinds of soil and Jesus talks about what happens to the seeds in each area. What we don’t hear about is what happens to the soil after that? Does it stay the same? Does it change so that the next time seeds come it will be ready? I guess that’s really only something each of us can decide for ourselves.

Scripture References

Mark 4:3-8
1 Nephi 11:22

Messing Up The Plan

41 Episode – Messing Up The Plan

Why did Jesus tell Peter that he was going to deny the Savior 3 times in one night? I don’t know. But it does show that Heavenly Father knows what we will do before we do it. Is there comfort in that?

Scripture References

Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75
Romans 3:23

Full Purpose of Heart

38 Episode – Full Purpose of Heart

If you were to explain the phrase “full purpose of heart” to someone what would you say? What does it mean? What does it look like? What does it feel like?

Joy. It looks and feels like joy.

Scripture References

2 Nephi 31:13
Jacob 6:5
Mosiah 7:33
3 Nephi 10:6, 12:24, 18:32
Doctrine and Covenants 17:1, 18:26-27
Joy and Spiritual Survival by Pres. Russell M. Nelson. GC Oct. 2016
Alma 48:10

The Source of Healing

Jesus taught with everything he did. He teaches a simple yet profound lesson to a man at the pool of Bethesda as he asks him a simple question and then heals him: Jesus is the real source of all healing.

Scripture References

John 5:1-9
2 Nephi 4:34
John 14:6
2 Nephi 31:21
Matthew 7:8
Joshua 1:5