Tag Archives: Testimony

To Be Unshaken

117 Episode – To Be Unshaken

Jacob, a prophet in The Book of Mormon, has to deal with a man teaching people there is no Christ. How did he prepare to hear from someone who wanted to shake him?

Scripture References

Jacob 7
Lord, I Believe, Elder Jeffery R. Holland. General Conference, April 2013.
John 14:26
An Evening With A General Authority, Elder David A. Bednar.
The Spirit of Revelation, Elder David A. Bednar. General Conference, April 2011.

A Testimony of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

115 Episode – A Testimony of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

I was recently asked to share how my testimony of the resurrection of Jesus Christ has blessed my life. These are my thoughts.

Scripture References

Jacob 7:12
Sunday Will Come, Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin. General Conference, October 2006.
Hebrews 12:1-2

Just Water

113 Episode – Just Water

God has left reminders of Him and His love all over this world that He created. In this episode, I share a funny little story about one of my family’s experiences wth water, and why we keep going back.

Scripture References

Some references of Jesus and water (Matthew 3, 4, 8, 13, 14, 15, 17; Mark 1-7; John 6, 21)
Alma 30:41

New Testament Insights

81 Episode – New Testament Insights

A new reading of any book of scripture provides new insights. But this one seems even more fun because this time I’m comparing a different translation of the Bible to the King James Version.

Scripture References

Dieter F Uchtdorf Instagram post from Jan 2021
Luke 4:40
Luke 6:17-19
Luke 9:6
Matthew 11:28

Out of Darkness

63 Episode – Out of Darkness

Why would Mormon switch part way through telling us a story from the viewpoint of the Nephites to the viewpoint of the Lamanites? It’s because all of us are the “the Lamanites” sometimes.

Scripture References

Helaman 4-5

So That We Know He Leads Us

45 Episode – So That We Know He Leads Us

The Lord tries to make it SO OBVIOUS that He is leading Nephi and his family to the promised land. Is it obvious in my life too?

Scripture References

1 Nephi 17:12-13
Ether 2, 6
Exodus 13-16
John 3:16
2 Nephi 31:21

How Is My Dirt?

42 Episode – How Is My Dirt?

In the parable of the sower, seeds fall in different kinds of soil and Jesus talks about what happens to the seeds in each area. What we don’t hear about is what happens to the soil after that? Does it stay the same? Does it change so that the next time seeds come it will be ready? I guess that’s really only something each of us can decide for ourselves.

Scripture References

Mark 4:3-8
1 Nephi 11:22

They Know That You Know It

37 Episode – They Know That You Know It

I was wrong. I’ve been misunderstanding a scripture for my whole life. But, I really like the new understanding I have of the 2000 stripling warriors and the relationship they had with their mothers.

Scripture References

Alma 56
Alma 56:46-48
Alma 56:48

Keeping It Simple, Jacob’s Journaling

33 Episode – Keeping It Simple, Jacob’s Journaling

Something is so much better than nothing when it comes to keeping a record for posterity. The prophet Jacob agrees. Here are 4 important things to remember about keeping a record of your life according to Jacob in the Book of Mormon.

Scripture References

Jacob 4:2-4